There’s a reason the world’s largest companies continue to spend millions of dollars every year in marketing their products and services. It’s because marketing works. Whether you’re a business that sells drinks to everyday consumers or a manufacturer of a small part that goes into the engine of an airplane, every company needs to market itself in some form in order to sustain and grow its business.

In the old days (which was not that long ago) it was print, radio, TV, outdoor billboards, and of course word of mouth that businesses relied on to get their message in front of their current and potential customers.

Enter the digital age of marketing. Now it’s websites, social media, blogs, email marketing, newsletters, infographics, SEO, marketing automation, and more. That’s where we come in. We help our clients make sense of all of it by strategizing, planning and executing ongoing marketing to put the right message in front of the right people at the right time.

While there are no guarantees in marketing, when marketing is done right, positive results usually follow. We set quarterly goals to measure the effectiveness of our marketing efforts to make sure they are delivering the proper ROI. 

For example, we have achieved the following results for a robotics company we currently provide digital marketing services to:

In the first 6 months of our partnership, we:

  • Increased overall website traffic by 30%
  • Generated 118 qualified leads
  • Increased social media traffic by 79%
  • Improved Facebook engagement by 920%
  • Grew LinkedIn followership by 41%

After the first year of our partnership, we:

  • Increased overall traffic by 47%
  • Increased website users by 39%
  • Increased social media traffic by 1500%

Overall, our client is receiving higher quality leads and as a result, they are closing new business faster. 

More details on this marketing partnership can be found here: https://www.synchronicitydesigns.com/think-sync/case-studies/hokuyo

Multi-channel marketing allows you to reach your current and potential members across several different touchpoints.It is important for users to see your messaging across different channels to reinforce credibility and trust with your organization. Research shows that it takes an average of 8 touches to get an initial meeting (or another conversion) with a new prospect. This is why having a presence across different channels will be critical to find new members via online strategies.

Simply put, search engines (e.g. Google, Bing) love content. Regularly publishing industry-relevant content such as blog articles, infographics, case studies and more will move your website up on the search ranking pages when someone types in a search related to your industry.

Blogs are critical in helping your SEO. Blog content not only boosts your SEO rankings but also provides a great way for your target audience to engage with your thoughts.

Infographics are a great way to create visually compelling content for your current and potential customers. Studies show that organizations that create custom visual content have a 7x higher conversion rate.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is how your potential customers find you via search engines. Think of SEO as your website’s way of having a conversation with the Search Engines. Does everything make sense on your site? Are you using clear, defined language that search engines can read and understand? 

The SEO services we provide are not only meant to perform better with the search engines but to also enhance the user experience on your website. The user experience is one of the most vital components for building a successful website. Search engines are putting increased importance on website engagement - how your audience uses and interacts with your organization online.

Paid digital advertising is exactly as it sounds. Text Ads that you pay for to show up at the top of Google search pages when a user types in certain relevant keywords that we target. Display ads are another term for banner ads. Ads that you see when you visit websites across the Internet in banner form.

Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are key social channels to reach your audience where they are researching and engaging. What keeps many organizations from finding social media success is a lack of strategy, a lack of time, or both. An organization without a social media presence today is missing out on a cost-effective 24/7 opportunity to communicate with its audience. 

The most successful strategies are the ones that push out strong content and also listen and engage with content coming in from their audience. Monitoring and listening across channels not only keeps you top-of-mind but also shows the personal side of your brand; a characteristic that can make a huge difference.

Marketing automation serves as a powerful internal tool to help your team improve their processes and be empowered with greater insight into their organization. You can automate lead follow-up and nurturing processes with marketing automation technology and engage through email marketing and stay top-of-mind with current and prospective customers.

Marketing automation allows you to capture critical contact data so that you are armed with specific information about your audience so that you can send the right message at the right time.

Your marketing automation technology will also track marketing activities to provide valuable performance metrics. Through those analytics and reporting, you will have sound data to draw upon when making future sales and marketing investments.